Completely #unethical: Women excluded from life-saving vaccine
Women in #Scotland being left at risk of killer #cancer because of refusal to fund preventative #vaccine through #NHS
Females aged 26-45 are currently excluded from the #HPV vaccine which protects against #cervical cancer and genital warts even though it is offered to men in high-risk groups in the same age category.
Aber auch der Regen hat ein Ende und wir können die Sonne genießen.
#Nizza #Nice #Promenadedesanglais
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #nice #séisme
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#Earthquake 12 km N of #Nice (#France) 18 min ago (local time 22:25:25). Updated map - Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience via:
Look! You are a seismic sensor: when you feel a tremor and launch the LastQuake app,we know that an #earthquake might have occurredLastQuake launches before
and after
the app notification about the #earthquake in #Nice 11 min ago.
#Earthquake 13 km NE of #Nice (#France) 4 min ago (local time 22:25:27). Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience:
#Earthquake (#séisme) M2.8 occurred 13 km NE of #Nice (#France) 4 min ago (local time 22:25:27). More info at:
#Earthquake (#séisme) M2.8 strikes 13 km NE of #Nice (#France) 3 min ago. More info:
#Nice (heure locale 22:25:42). Avez-vous ressenti le séisme? Partager votre expérience via:
Vos observations sont essentielles pour comprendre les effets d'un séisme.