Гыгыгыгыгы, пусть отследят по вышкам ;)
Гыгыгыгыгы, пусть отследят по вышкам ;)
Сука разрабов GrapheneOS расцеловать надо, кто такие документации красивые и точные пишет. Однажды увидел в DPI что телефон лезет на домен графеновский для проверки сетевого соединения, захожу туда с компа, И ОН КИДАЕТ МЕНЯ НА ВИКИ НА СТРАНИЦУ О СЕТЕВЫХ ПОДКЛЮЧЕНИЯХ СИСТЕМЫ! КАКИЕ ДЕТАЛИ! Ещё и челы из разработчиков так точно и подробно отвечают в форумах, объясняя каждую мелочь про шифрование, фичи, опасности сука я их обожаю
Ещё бы побольше plausible deniability и я буду счастлив.
it's #WorldDayAgainstCyberCensorship and did you know that you can help keep people safer—people like freedom fighters, political dissidents, journalists, and regular people simply seeking medical information or services, like abortions, HRT, sex ed, therapy, or psychiatric medications—by becoming a @torproject Snowflake?
you can even run it in your browser or on your phone via @guardianproject's Orbot app
here's an explainer by @eff:
uBlock Origin has the potential to save the average global Internet user more than 100 h annually. The energy conserved if everyone in the United States used the open source ad blocker would save over 36 Americans lives per year if it were to offset coal-fired electricity generated-based pollution.
Je viens de commander un Orbic Speed RC400L Mobile WiFi Hotspot pour installer le logiciel de détection de l'EFF RayHunter. Je pourrai l'amener lors des manifs pour la paix à Mtl et vérifier l'utilisation par le SPVM ou GRC de stingray aka IMSI catcher aka CSS (pour cell site simulator)
Underscoring once again that ANYTHING you type or say into any #LLM is essentially public despite any #privacy or #security guarantees the peddlers may make to the contrary.
#TheMoreYouKnow #OpSec https://mastodon.social/@glynmoody/114142956640554962
for everyone's sake, when it comes to protests / demos / actions, please:
• wear a mask
• cover your face and any identifying marks (hair color, tattoos, piercings, body mods, logos)
• avoid arrest by any means necessary (so long as it doesn't jeopardize the safety of others)
• scrub faces from imagery (stills, footage)
• refuse to boost posts that include sensitive information about anyone involved (names, neighborhood, address, place of work), including visible identifying marks in imagery (faces, tattoos)
Voy en un taxi y en el panel Android del salpicadero estoy viendo ahora mismo RBTV77 y Proton VPN.
Un besito, Tebas.
@voxel personally, I despise @brave and I think it, @Vivaldi or any other #Chromium-#Fork|s are just bad to the point that I recommend using @torproject / #TorBrowser, @dillo / #dillo and #LynxBrowser over those.
I consider #Edge to be #Givware just like #MicrosoftOutlook which leaks all login details to #Microsoft!
Telegram vulnerabilities on Android. Be careful y'all
@CCC +9001%
Ich erwarte dass #TechLiteracy gefördert wird und sämtliche #Angstkultur, #Entrechtung, #Überwachungsstaat und #Polizeistaat die nach 1949 eingeführt wurden ersatzlos gestrichen werden - MIT ZINSESZINSEN!
@selzero In the minds of brainwashed conspiracy theorists, governments are both expertly organized and have air-tight Operational Security #OpSec, AND are criminally incompetent and pathetically transparent to the FaceTube and YouBook genius influencers that also somehow never graduated high school.
Checkout @techlore's #review of #BusKill
Add a BusKill USB Dead Man Switch to your laptop bag to protect your #data from thieves
Your photos reveal a lot of private information. "They See Your Photos" can analyze a photo using Google Vision API and attempts to determine:
- Where it was taken
- Your race
- Income level
- Religion
- Interests
- Political affiliation
- What ads could be used to target you.
All from a single photo.
Via Alt National Park Service @altnps.bsky.social
Russia and China, have ramped up recruitment efforts targeting US federal employees—particularly those recently fired or at risk of termination. These efforts are unfolding aggressively on LinkedIn, where adversaries are reaching out under the guise of job opportunities, networking, and consulting.
If you are a federal employee or contractor, especially one with a security clearance, be cautious of unsolicited messages offering career opportunities, high-paying contracts, or overseas roles.
These recruitment attempts are designed to exploit individuals who may be facing uncertainty in their careers, using seemingly legitimate job prospects to extract sensitive information.
Can we trust the operating systems we use? The root certificates? The hardware we use?
Obviously there is risks everywhere, especially from threats that I didn't see coming.
Practical approaches?
"Whatever You Say, Say Nothing (Live at the National Concert Hall) -- Makem and Clancy
Since this is a real concern in 2025, sigh, anyone hardened their security.txt against AI submissions? Tips?
I'm using Cloudflare's robot.txt "enforcement" tool which should block the well-known and copliant-ish ones that identify themselves, and their Bad Bot blocking...seems to be about all I can do without some kind of ip blocklist which like, no
TPM и Secure boot это полурак полухуй на десктопах
TPM более менее надёжно может защищать с PIN, но и тут есть проблемы, хер разбери у тебя на плате китайский камущек сделанный джунхуем за три копейки без защиты от tampering или что то реально рабочее, шифровуются ли линии - непонятно, куча нюансов, Проще тупо включить argon в luks и быть уверенным что так оно за себя постоит.
А Secure Boot, в каких случаях он хоть что то полезное делает вообще? Ядро повреждено вирусней и так вы в безопасности? Так тогда это уже пиздец и с компа уже все унесли.
Хрень это все вообщем, microsoft как обычно шизы
#linux #tpm #secure_boot #opsec #luks