The word of Vaal is to crush skulls. Vaal turned out to be a real dick.
The word of Vaal is to crush skulls. Vaal turned out to be a real dick.
The cave entrance looks like a big Sleestak head from Land of the Lost.
And now the theme song is in my head....
"When I look all around,
I can't believe the things I've found,
Now I need to find my way,
I'm lost, I'm lost, find me,
Livin' in the Land of the Lost"
Scotty has the Captain's chair and Kirk just threatened to fire him. No pressure at all.
Vaal is Vaal. Well, that explains it all....regarding Vaal.
Kirk telling Spock to watch where he throws his rocks.
A paradise filled with killer plant pods. I expect we will see Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors at any moment.
Four red shirts on the away team. Odds are pretty good at least one will be dead soon.
This is one of my favourite bad movies. I own a copy and have watched it numerous times. #TheApple #RetroFuturism #Musical #BadMovies