#Happybirthday #terryoquinn #actor #AdmiralPressman #StarTrek #Thenextgeneration #Lost #thestepfather #therocketeer #youngguns #ThePatriot #TheWestWing #Alias #theXFiles #JAG #hawaiifive0 #emergence #ChristmasSail #ResidentAlien #PiecesofHer #FBIMostWanted #NewLife #TheWalkingDead #TheOnesWhoLive #startrek57 @trekcore
The movie #YoungGuns was released 35 years ago
''If we're caught, we're gonna hang... But there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.''
#Bales2023FilmChallenge #FilmMastodon
June Day
Someone named Richard
#YoungGuns (1988)
#CharlieSheen 's character name is Richard 'Dick' Brewer
#YoungGuns (1988)
A group of young gunmen, led by Billy the Kid, become deputies to avenge the murder of the rancher who became their benefactor. But when Billy takes their authority too far, they become the hunted.