#PhiladelphiaPA: ‘Beyond frustrating’: Sheriff’s Office problems prevent #LandBank from buying lots for #CommunityGardens, houses
Story by William Bender, Ryan W. Briggs, March 10, 2025
"Last May, City Council passed a routine bill that amended the Philadelphia Code in order to preserve the Land Bank’s ability to acquire tax-delinquent lots at sheriff sales.
"The bill was essentially a bit of legal housekeeping. It tightened up the city’s land-acquisition process in response to a recent U.S. Supreme Court case in Minnesota over a property forfeiture.
"The goal was simple: Enable the city’s Land Bank, a quasi-governmental agency, to protect 90 or so parcels of community gardens from development and continue with its overall mission of repurposing #vacant or blighted land into #AffordableHousing and other projects that benefit the public.
"The bill passed 17-0. Mayor Cherelle L. Parker — whose administration helped draft the legislation — promptly signed it into law in June 2024.
"Yet, nine months later, the Land Bank has yet to acquire the garden parcels at sheriff sale.
"In fact, it has been unable to purchase any properties through sheriff sale — for the last five years.
"The reason: a problem in Sheriff Rochelle Bilal’s office. Again."
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#ACAB #CommunityGardens #PublicBenefit