Adolesence S01E01 released in 2025 set in uk
Lawyer advises parent and child to take a break from interrogation by pigs. Father overrides concerns of lawyer and proceeds with interview
Adolesence S01E01 released in 2025 set in uk
Lawyer advises parent and child to take a break from interrogation by pigs. Father overrides concerns of lawyer and proceeds with interview
Watched a BBC Christie adaptation: Towards Zero. It's like a very good adaptation and a very bad one overlaid.
Greatly remixed from the book (according to my partner), this freshens up the plot but introduces contrivances. Good fun but seriously wonky writing and character work at points (Audrey…).
Points deducted or awarded (idk) for mostly avoiding sexing it up too much but then having public cunnilingus in the one scene that's an exception.
Fun but frustrating.
New Doctor Who season trailer #DoctorWho #Scifi #TV #BritishTV
And now[*] for viewers in Wales, how a little piece of television history was resurrected.
[*] actually last night.
Do you love British crime and mystery television? Like the author of this post, I also have an insatiable appetite for this genre and this is the most EXTENSIVE list of shows I have ever seen.
My lifelong friend Joan dressed as "Patsy" for the premier of the "Absolutely Fabulous" movie in 2016. And she was. #absolutelyfabulous #2016 #patsy #joannalumley #thenewavengers #sapphireandsteel #television #britishtv #britishtelevision #britcom #britcoms #texasbelle
Right 2025 is here! Which classic British Sci Fi TV show box-set should I rewatch on the colder winter nights? I have whittled it down to two
My friends and I have made movies most our lives. "The Duchess of Washington Avenue" was our version of a favorite PBS series. 1979. #pbs #duchessofdukestreet #GemmaJones #television #tv #classictv #britishtv #britishtelevision #england #english #tvseries #importedtv
@veereadstoomuch I'm also a big fan of #BritishTV. Currently I'm watching #ThreePines (Canadian not British), #GeorgeGently (I sometimes watch older shows) and looking forward to seeing #Litvinenko, #Stonehouse and the upcoming 3rd series of #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall soon.