Sign ups are now open for the fifth and final All Creatures Great and Small Mini Skein Yarn Club Box!
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Sign ups are now open for the fifth and final All Creatures Great and Small Mini Skein Yarn Club Box!
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„Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh“ (endlich) zurück im Free-TV #AllCreaturesGreatandSmall #DerDoctorUndDasLiebeVieh
Calling all those who signed up for The All Creatures Great and Small Mini Skein Yarn Club - Box Four - it's time for the big reveal!
Introducing 'The Lord God Made Them All' - six mini skeins inspired by the fourth book in the series by the world's best loved vet.
A copy of the book is included in the box.
Boxes are already on their way. Happy knitting!
Season 6 of #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall started filming in Yorkshire. Yay!
It was a full week in so many ways, so i decided on a #lazyday
Some #tea, some #napping, some #ThisOldHouse + #AntiquesRoadshow + #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall - and now some #pinball...
A #recharge...
There is something simple but glorious about a good #nap...
#relax #dayoff
@rmpbs #pbs
Getting through my backlog of #AllCreaturesGreatandSmall on PBS and goddamn this show always makes me feel so cozy.
Calling all those who signed up for The All Creatures Great and Small Mini Skein Yarn Club - Box Three - it's time for the big reveal!
Introducing 'All Things Wise and Wonderful' - six mini skeins inspired by the third book in the series by the world's best loved vet.
A copy of the book is included in the box.
Boxes are already on their way. Happy knitting!
#PBS #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall
One of the worst/best parts of All Creatures Great and Small is wanting to eat all of Audrey's food!
All Creatures Great and Small: Staffel 5 im Februar als DE-Premiere #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall
Calling all those who signed up for The All Creatures Great and Small Mini Skein Yarn Club - Box Two - it's time for the big reveal!
Introducing 'All Things Bright and Beautiful' - six mini skeins inspired by the second book in the series by the world's best loved vet.
A copy of the book is included in the box.
Boxes are already on their way. Happy knitting!
The first episode of season 5 of All Creatures Great and Small premiered on Masterpiece in the US last night; it's streaming now! #ACGAS #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall #AllCreaturesPBS #AllCreatures
All Creatures Great and Small Season 5 Episode 1 Recap #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall #EntertainmentNews #MasterpieceOnPbs #overnights #pbs #recaps #tv #TvRecaps
Sick and tired of #Racist or #Ableist people who complain about #Diversity and #Representation in drama. Whether it's a #HistoricalDrama or #Fantasy or #ScienceFiction or any other type of drama, I welcome seeing more #Diverse actors. I noticed series 3 of #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall has more diverse casting (both with actors of colour and actors with disabilities.) #RepresentationMatters.
@veereadstoomuch I'm also a big fan of #BritishTV. Currently I'm watching #ThreePines (Canadian not British), #GeorgeGently (I sometimes watch older shows) and looking forward to seeing #Litvinenko, #Stonehouse and the upcoming 3rd series of #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall soon.
#7TvShows Seven #TvShows to know me.
(Yes, they are all #BritishDramas )
1. #Broadchurch
2.#LifeOnMars, #AshesToAshes
(British version)
3. #LineOfDuty
4. #Endeavour
5. #DoctorWho
(prefer Tennant & Eccleston)
6 #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall
(prefer newer version)
7. #GoodOmens
Our favorite shows, audiobooks and music to fall asleep to #allcreaturesgreatandsmall #masterpiecetheatre #centralcommerce #lofihiphopradio #entertainment #masterpiece #sleepweek21 #vmdisney-21 #brownnoise #disneyplus #relaxation #zenimation #pinknoise #shoppable #sleepweek #sleepweek #retropod #shopping #sleeping #thecrown #audible #ccttech #disney+ #feature #netflix #spotify #amazon #health #sleep #calm