Share of programming languages used by #GTK3 / #GTK4 applications (2025-03-16):
28% #Python
21% #Vala
20% #Rust
17% #C
06% #C++ #Cplusplus
06% #gjs #Javascript
04% Other: #Csharp #Go #Lua #Haskell #Swift #Typescript #Crystal #Swift #D #Perl
63% use GTK4 (90% of them use #libadwaita), while still 37% use GTK3
Method: Source [1] lists 543 awesome #gtk (3/4) #opensource applications and their #programminglanguage
Cutting out regexes made Armature's path matching over 30x faster.
Routing a request to an endpoint in 6µs is good, but doing it in under 190ns is a lot better!
It seems like a fellow mineral lover took over the @pixel_dailies account for a couple days
Rust Alternatives —
This is a follow-up blog post to this thread:
Thanks for the input.
Made some tweaks to my personal project, #Medup, to support YouTube Shorts embeds in Medium articles.
Check out changes in
Got any feedback or suggestions on how #Medup could improve backing up #DevTo and #Medium articles?
Ruby could take inspiration from Crystal and allow instance variable assignment from initializer. No more @xyz = xyz.