I love this badass line from the first season of #westworld (the best season if you ask me)
I think we urgently need a law requiring these to have targets painted where the battery and pumps are located. A head shot probably won't do to kill them.
Guten Morgen! Unser neues Video ist seid gestern Abend online. Wir haben uns festgefahren und erkunden die nerdigen Seiten von Valencia.
#beachlife #rvlife #vanlife #valencia #spanien #spain #westworld #doctorwho #comics
Just started watching #Westworld a mind-blowing blend of western and sci-fi! The storytelling, visuals, and twists are next level. Can't wait to dive deeper into this futuristic Wild West. #TVSeries #MustWatch #SciFiLovers
Neu in der Sammlung: #westworld #westworldhbo endlich komplett, nur leider nicht mehr so schön
Top 10 TV Shows Where it Was All a LIE
#TVShows #MindBlown #Westworld
Get ready to have your mind blown! We're diving into #TV #shows that completely turned reality on its head, revealing shocking twists that made viewers question everything they thought they knew about the #storyline. Our countdown includes mind-bending series that challenged our perception of #reality with incredible plot twists and narrative misdirections!
Anyone following the @Meta scam with their #AI members on #Facebook and #instagram. It’s like a sad-man version of #Westworld.
Meta scrambles to delete its own AI accounts after backlash intensifies | CNN Business
#happybirthday @AnthonyHopkins #anthonyhopkins #actor #odin #thor #thedarkworld #thorragnarok #transformers #thelastknight #thesilenceofthelambs #hannibal #rebelmoon #mary #thefather #TheVirtuoso #ArmageddonTime #ZeroContact #thetwopopes #westworld #kinglear #red #therite #thewolfman #beowulf #othello #theelephantman #hitchcock
#happybirthday @jfreewright #jeffreywright #actor #Basquiat #Shaft #TheManchurianCandidate #CasinoRoyale #QuantumofSolace #NoTimetoDie #BoardwalkEmpire #WhatIf #iamgroot #TheHungerGames #CatchingFire #Mockingjay #TheLastofUs #AmericanFiction #Rustin #Atrabilious #TheBatman #AsteroidCity #Westworld #TheFrenchDispatch
#happybirthday @ThandiweNewton #thandiwenewton #actress #westworld #missionimpossible2 #Mufasa #ChickenRun #DawnoftheNugget #Wednesday #alltheoldknives #soloastarwarsstory #norbit #riddick #rocknrolla #interviewwithavampire #crash #reminiscence #lineofduty #gooddeeds #bigmouth #forcoloredgirls #halfofayellowsun #vanishingon7thstreet #thedeathandlifeofjohnfdonovan #theslap