#ApocalypticMovies #DisasterMovies #FilmMastodon
#DeepImpact (1998)
A comet is discovered to be on a collision course with Earth. As doomsday nears, the human race prepares for the worst.
#RobertDuvall #TéaLeoni #MorganFreeman
#happybirthday @elijahwood #elijahwood #actor #frodo #lordoftherings #thefellowshipofthering #thetwotowers #thereturnoftheking #thehobbit #backtothefuture2 #flipper #deepimpact #thefaculty #happyfeet #Bookworm #TheToxicAvenger #StarWars #Resistance #cooties #wilfred #thelastwitchhunter #dirkgentlysholisticdetectiveagency
#HappyBirthday @jamesocromwell #jamesocromwell #actor #zeframcochrane #startrek #firstcontact #enterprise #inamirrordarkly #nayrok #tng #jaglonshrek #birthright #hanok #ds9 #lowerdecks #babe #laconfidential #deepimpact #RebelRidge #MerryLittleBatman #sugar #bighero6 #thegeneralsdaugther #irobot #JurassicWorld #FallenKingdom #Succession #pancer #achristmastale #startrek58 @trekcore
#MoviePresidents #PresidentsOnFilm #POTUS
#DeepImpact (1998)
President Beck : We watched as the bombs shattered the second comet into a million pieces of ice and rock that burned harmlessly in our atmosphere and lit up the sky for an hour. Still, we were left with the devastation of the first. The waters reached as far inland as the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. It washed away farms and towns, forests and skyscrapers. But, the water receded. The wave hit Europe and Africa too. Millions were lost, and countless more left homeless. But the waters receded. Cities fall, but they are rebuilt. And heroes die, but they are remembered. We honor them with every brick we lay, with every field we sow, With every child we comfort, and then teach to rejoice in what we have been re-given. Our planet. Our home. So now, let us begin.
#MoviePresidents #PresidentsOnFilm #POTUS
#DeepImpact (1998)
President Beck : So in the soft limestone of Missouri we have been preparing a network of immense caves and there almost finished and we can put a million people in them and that million people can survive underground for 2 years until the air clears and the dust settles.
#MoviePresidents #PresidentsOnFilm #POTUS
#DeepImpact (1998)
President Beck : We get hit all the time by rocks and meteors. Some the size of a car, others no bigger than your hand. But the comet they found is the size of New York City, from the south side of Central Park to the Battery, about seven miles long. Put another way, this comet is larger than Mount Everest. It weighs... five hundred billion tons.
#MoviePresidents #PresidentsOnFilm #POTUS
#DeepImpact (1998)
President Beck : Now listen, young lady. This is a presidential favour. I'm letting you go because I don't want another headache. And I'm trusting you because I know what this can do for your career. Now, it may seem like we have each other over the same barrel but it just seems that way.
#MorganFreeman #FilmMastodon
#happybirthday @morgan_freeman #morganfreenman #actor #luciusfox #batmanbegins #thedarkknight #rises #se7en #invictus #drivingmissdaisy #MyDeadFriendZoe #57Seconds #AGoodPerson #TheRitualKiller #ParadiseHighway #Oblivion #DeepImpact #BruceAlmighty #Lucy #LastKnights #NowYouSeeMe #MadamSecretary #TheNutcrackerandtheFourRealms #AngelHasFallen #HitmansWifesBodyguard
#HappyBirthday @jamesocromwell #jamesocromwell #actor #zeframcochrane #startrek #firstcontact #enterprise #inamirrordarkly #nayrok #tng #jaglonshrek #birthright #hanok #ds9 #lowerdecks #babe #laconfidential #deepimpact #bighero6 #thegeneralsdaugther #irobot #JurassicWorld #FallenKingdom #Succession #pancer #achristmastale #startrek57 @trekcore
#ScifiSeptember #FilmMastodon
Asteroid/Meteor in movie
#DeepImpact (1998)
A comet is discovered to be on a collision course with Earth. As doomsday nears, the human race prepares for the worst.
(Clip Link https://youtu.be/VNtsVP42bOE?si=6fT5E7eNTJj_EBrv)
#HappyBirthday #jamesocromwell #actor #zeframcochrane #startrek #firstcontact #enterprise #inamirrordarkly #nayrok #tng #jaglonshrek #birthright #hanok #ds9 #lowerdecks #babe #laconfidential #deepimpact #bighero6 #thegeneralsdaugther #irobot #JurassicWorld #FallenKingdom #Succession #pancer #achristmastale #startrek56 @trekcore