Hard to believe Sam Neill did Merlin AFTER Jurassic Park.
Hard to believe Sam Neill did Merlin AFTER Jurassic Park.
Also jetzt im Frühling kann man sooo viele Vogelstimmen hören. Wer wissen möchte welche Vogelarten das sind sollte sich mal #Merlin installieren. - https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/ #appempfehlungen #android #ios #vogel #Vogelstimmen #naturschutz #nature
Scholars re-examined early Welsh poems from the 10th century and found that Merlin, or Myrddin, was portrayed as a nature-connected prophet. This suggests he was an early environmentalist.
These findings emphasize Merlin’s timeless importance as an environmental steward.
#Merlin #Environmentalism #CelticPoetry #GoodNews
@sandradejong ken je de app Merlin? Die kan vogels identificeren op basis van foto en/of geluid. Ik vind het een erg leuke en informatieve app. #merlin #vogels
I have a #bird feeder almost right in my face while I'm #wfh. I keep being given bird identification guides/apps but studying those doesn't seem to #hyperfocus me. What I really want is a tech solution...
I have parts arriving to set up #frigate #security #cameras. Grabbing a still and identifying it a) as a bird and b) as a particular species still seems somewhat daunting (ObXKCD)
Except I now remember that frigate runs a (100% local!) #ai identification thing that sounds like it works pretty well. It can almost certainly tell me I have a bird. It can very likely run a script. That script can...uh....do whatever it is that #merlin does. Hm.
Right now, the Quatuor Ebène plays #Beethoven, a #Merlin's world premiere and #Tchaikovsky in #Paris https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/the_quatuor_ebene_plays_beethoven_a_merlins_world_premiere_and_tchaikovsky_in_paris/86268/ #wch
Eigentlich wollte ich hier sitzen, die Welt mit meinem Handy retten und kluge Beiträge schreiben. Stattdessen werde ich hypnotisiert von diesem kleinen Wesen, das mich so erwartungsvoll anschaut, als ob es seit Tagen nicht gestreichelt wurde. Verantwortungsvoll wie ich bin, lege ich mein Handy jetzt natürlich weg und rette zuerst diesen Hund – oder vielleicht rettet er ja gerade mich?
#dogsofmastodon #thedude #merlin #Fotomontag #fotoMonday
In 20 minutes, the Quatuor Ebène plays #Beethoven, a #Merlin's world premiere and #Tchaikovsky in #Paris https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/the_quatuor_ebene_plays_beethoven_a_merlins_world_premiere_and_tchaikovsky_in_paris/86268/ #wch
Today, the Quatuor Ebène plays #Beethoven, a #Merlin's world premiere and #Tchaikovsky in #Paris https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/the_quatuor_ebene_plays_beethoven_a_merlins_world_premiere_and_tchaikovsky_in_paris/86268/ #wch
Please feed me - I'm wasting away.
#cats #EveryDayIsCaturday #Merlin #BlackCats
HT @rmblaber1956 !
"Early poems about #Merlin portray him as #environmentalist, say scholars
Re-examination of #Welsh poems dating back to 10th century show #Myrddin as prophet concerned by human interactions with #Nature
by Steven Morris
Tue 25 Feb 2025 07.13 EST
"He is probably most often thought of today as a wizard, a shape-shifter or a mentor to the young King Arthur.
"But a detailed re-examination of Myrddin – Merlin – by Welsh scholars suggests he can also be considered an early British environmentalist deeply worried about human interaction with the natural world.
"Over the past three years academics from three Welsh universities have edited and translated more than 100 poems, all in Cymraeg (Welsh), about Merlin dating back as far as the 10th century.
"David Callander, who is based at Cardiff University’s school of Welsh, said some of the conclusions of the Myrddin Poetry Project challenged the modern view of the figure."
#History #Poetry #WelshHistory #Magic #Nature #Magicians
Merlin Checking Its Surroundings by Debra Martz
I captured this image in February at the Great Salt Plains State Park in Oklahoma.
A Espada era a Lei #tercinema
Esse aqui vale a menção só pelo duelo dos personagens do mago Merlin e da bruxa Madame Min
The Sword in the Stone (1963, EUA. 80min. Aventura, Comédia. Direção: Wolfgang Reitherman)
Arthur é um jovem menino que sonha em se tornar cavaleiro. Reza a lenda que aquele que conseguir tirar a espada mágica da pedra se tornará o rei da Inglaterra. Merlin, um poderoso, mas atrapalhado mago, sabe que Arthur será o novo rei e por isso, vai até o castelo onde o garoto trabalha prepará-lo para o futuro.
Showing Off Its Fan Tail by Debra Martz
A small Falcon, the Merlin, was perched in this tree that I usually go to in search of a Bald Eagle. I was thrilled at this sighting, especially when it fanned its tail so beautifully!
Image captured at Oklahoma's Great Salt Plains State Park.
Ich habe mal wieder gebloggt und über ein Tool geschrieben, das ich in den letzten Monaten oft benutzt habe: https://afisch.blog/merlin-die-all-in-one-ki-app-die-mehr-kann-als-chatgpt/ #Blog #Merlin #AI #ChatGPT
#caturday #cats #katzen #catsofmastodon #merlin
..unser Merlin mal wieder.. Chillen ist angesagt
#caturday #catsofmastodon #cats #katzen #merlin
Der Merlin mal wieder. Er genießt sein Fotoshooting jedesmal aufs neue.