@kinetix @anthropy AFAIK, @monocles / #monoclesChat is also available for #iOS.
@buyeuropean don't forget @monocles and @Stuxhost with their #managedNextcloud offerings as well as #monoclesChat & @delta / #deltaChat for #secure #messaging with real #E2EE...
@htwj @Mer__edith yeah, traded one #proproetary, #centralized #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution for another.
@delta Yeah, I think #deltaChat is pretty cool and like #XMPP+#OMEMO ( @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim ) a very good option.
@kinetix @delta @anthropy I am aware of #DeltaChat.
@truls46 Ein gutes Gegenbeispiel zu @signalapp ist @monocles / #monoclesChat:
Es werden keine persönliche Daten verlangt!
Es wird ein offener Standard (#XMPP+#OMEMO) genutzt, sodass #SelfCustody und #Datenhoheit gewährleistet ist!
Der Dienst ist zwar kostenpflichtig (€2 p.m.), aber komplett anonym bezahlbar (inkl. #Monero & #CashByMail)!
Nutzung von @torproject #Tor wird nicht verhindert oder blockiert; @guardianproject / #Orbot wird unterstützt!
In #Deutschland gibt's immernoch #Rechtsstaatlichkeit, anders als in den #USA!
Anders als #Signal ist #monocles ehrlich, was Sicherheit und Datenschutz angeht...
Ich denke mal das sollte hinreichend meine Argumebte darlegen.
@pixelschubsi @erebion @inaruck so oder so sind alle aktuellen #XMPP-Clients, besonders @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim warnen ganz eindeutig gegen unverschlüsselte kommunikation!
Zumal auch das nen Kostenfaktor ist, wohingegen es drölfzig Optionen gibt was XMPP angeht!
@inaruck ich hab' Leute konsequent auf #XMPP+#OMEMO migriert, weil @signalapp zentralisiert und unter #CloudAct fällt, folglich inhärent unsicher.
@pixelschubsi @dalias @puppygirlhornypost2 that doesn't change the inherent issues of @signalapp being #centralized, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider compared to #XMPP+#OMEMO as in @monocles / #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim.
Or des anyone expect #Signal and it's staff to actually resist?
@Avitus @lispi314 @lauren THE REQUIREMENT FOR A #PhoneNumber BY @signalapp IS LITERALLY THE PROBLEM!
If you gonna say "JuSt GeT aN iMpOrTeD #SIM / #eSIM!" then you obviously expect people to have way more #financial means and #TechLiteracy than is needed to get absolute N0obs setup withb#XMPP+#OMEMO and pay for @monocles / #monoclesChat!
@Beggarmidas @Em0nM4stodon personally, I do consider #Smartphones an attack vector and recommend everyone to use @tails_live / @tails / #Tails or at least @torproject / #Tor via @guardianproject / #Orbot and ideally open, #PublicWiFi like @freifunk / #freifunk.
Fortunately, @monocles / #monoclesChat integrates Orbot Support so it's just a few taps to get everything tunned through Tor!
If @signalapp cared, they would've #decentralized and put their backend on Tor and not demand #PII like a #PhoneNumber.
@Beggarmidas @Em0nM4stodon #Govware aside, I think @signalapp 's #architecture of being a #centralized, #proprietary, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider "solution" that.collects #PII like #PhoneNumbers will bite it in it's rear, cuz I'd not count on @Mer__edith not breaking when facing life in prison under torturous conditions (by European Standards).
@Beggarmidas @Em0nM4stodon which is why migrating away from #GAFAMs and anyone else.under #CloudAct is vital.
Addendum: Funzt wieder. Danke an @Natanox !
Weiß irgendwer warum der #Jabber / #XMPP-#Server vom #CCC / @CCC nicht unter dessen .onion
- Domain via @torproject / #Tor erreichbar ist?
Ist das nen #Bug von @monocles / #monoclesChat, @guardianproject #Orbot oder warum 404'd das?
@EnfysBook or even better: stop using #iOS and #Google-tainted #Android!
Good #Apps will also reject access to their storage and notifications to others, which is literally a feature one csn set/activate (#banking apps do that allVthe time!)...
@ck @sven222 @kuketzblog problem is @signalapp is a #Centralized, #Proprietary, #SingleVendor & #SingleProvider solution that falls under #CloudAct and demands #PII in the form of #PhoneNumbers.
Cuz all the #advertising of Signal is close to #TrustMeBro and I'd not trust in @Mer__edith to risk jail for users!
@tauon Also what goid is an encryption like @signalapp is you don't have #SelfCustody of all the keys?
I can setup over a dozen #TechIlliterates 1:1 with #XMPP accounts and #monoclesChat & @gajim / #gajim in the time it takes me to get a #nonKYC #eSIM from overseas with a phone number as mandated by @signalapp and maintaining that number for #Signal will easily cost like $2,50 p.m. at minimum.
In fact even legitimately acquiring and registering a #Prepaid #SIM in-store in #Germany takes longer than setting up #Fdroid & monocles chat & a XMPP account whilst on throttled #EDGEland speeds...
@tauon Actually, you want to use a truly secure as in real #E2EE solution like #XMPP+#OMEMO as in @monocles / #monoclesChat and @gajim /#gajim...