Warning: if your name is David, you won’t survive a horror movie https://www.theguardian.com/film/2025/mar/06/warning-if-your-name-is-david-you-wont-survive-a-horror-movie #ShaunoftheDead #Horrorfilms #TheShining #TheOmen #Culture #Film
New Episode!
This week we discuss 2024 nun-conception horror films "Immaculate" and "The First Omen"!
listen here: https://open.spotify.com/show/6TyNXxemp7viXRaJLilBXM?si=9a8fef627f2a4352
#theomen #thefirstomen #immaculate #SydneySweeney #horror
#movies #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon
Spot the malign presence. #Spoiler it’s #Trump. #antichrist #TheOmen etc
#happybirthday @TwoPaddocks #samneill #actor #AlanGrant #jurassicpark #jurassicpark3 #jurassicworlddominion #ThorRagnarok #ThorLoveandThunder #ApplesNeverFall #BringHimtoMe #Scarygirl #AssassinClub #ThePortableDoor #huntforthewilderpeople #thepiano #theomen #EventHorizon #BicentennialMan #UndertheMountain #EscapePlan #PeakyBlinders #PeterRabbit #Blackbird #TheTwelve
#TheOmen (1976)
Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?
#GregoryPeck and Director #RichardDonner wait for a scene set-up.
#HorrorMovies #TimeToScare #FilmMastodon
#TheOmen (1976)
Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?
#Stonegasmoviechallenge2024 #FilmMastodon
#DavidWarner movie
#TheOmen (1976)
David Warner as Keith Jennings
#TheOmen (1976)
Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?
#HarveyStephens aka Damien checks out the framing for the next scene.
Feb 2 : Kids Smiling
#Bales2024FilmChallenge #FilmMastodon
#TheOmen (1976)
Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?
A smile from Damien is not a good sign I'd say
#Bales2023FilmChallenge #FilmMastodon
Someone watering Houseplants
A lot of nonsense could have been avoided if Kathy had just done some chin ups #TheOmen