The Parenting (2025) Trailer
The Parenting (2025) Trailer
Since the plague year of 2020, my friend and collaborator, the artist Graham Farram (who is such a bon vivant that he’s not on Facebook or other social media) has been making recordings of readings of poems from Noisesome Ghosts: my 2018 collection of poems about documented cases of ghosts and poltergeists that have the ability to speak or write.
At the start of the year just passed, Graham had reached a critical mass of these recordings (about forty) and we – and Graham’s life and artistic collaborator Marie Farram – began to think about ways that we might share them with others. Armed with little but infectious enthusiasm and a free Wix website, we hit upon the idea that we could publish the recordings thereon … but how could we tie all the recordings together and coherently introduce them to an audience? In less sophisticated and less shamelessly self-promoting days we might have just tacked up a little sign that said, “here are some readings that Graham did of some weird poems that Clay wrote” and been done with it, but, no, we rather grandiosely decided that we needed to be interviewed about the whole project and set about recruiting an interviewer that we knew would complement us as sure as Graham’s readings complemented the collection’s poems.
We immediately seized on the idea of our erstwhile colleague, our friend and fellow poet, Linda Albertson, as being our interviewer and we were both delighted when she accepted the role. We knew Linda to be both a sophisticated and a sensitive writer and reader of poetry who would not only bring these skills to the project, but who would suitably keep us on-task in a way that only a respected librarian can. We felt that with the three of us, we could produce a coherent introduction to the recordings that an audience might appreciate.
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Geräusch in der Wohnung gehört, bei dem sogar Tim zusammengezuckt ist.
Es klang, als wäre zB ein Buch umgekippt.
Nur: da ist absolut nichts, was ein solches - oder überhaupt irgendein - Geräusch gemacht haben könnte! O_O
La Politique du #Poltergeist - @lundimatin (27/04/2023)
Cette substance ectoplasmique des mouvements est le symptôme d’une société en cours de néo-libéralisation comme le signe d’une résistance à cet endroit même. L’inconsistance du mouvement est à la fois sa force tactique d’irruption et sa faiblesse stratégique de dispersion. Sa « créativité », sa « mobilité », sa « flexibilité », sa « résilience » sont le point de bascule de l’époque. Dans ces conditions, la possibilité du soulèvement reste incertain, mais « l’apaisement » semble impossible.
Book Review: Poltergeist II: The Other Side by James Kahn
#ReaderCommunity #ReadingCommunity #BookCommunity #Novelization #Novelisation #BookReview #Review #Poltergeist #Ghosts #Haunted #Supernatural
Book Review: Poltergeist II: The Other Side by James Kahn
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. Today is Friday, and it’s time for another review. This week, I am reviewing James Kahn’s novelisation of Poltergeist II: The Other Side.
Poltergeist II: The Other Side was published in 1986 by Ballantine Books and is 192 pages long.
The Plot
Set after the events of Poltergeist, Poltergeist II: The Other Side follows the Freelings as they grapple with the lingering effects of their encounters with the otherworldly forces that invaded their home. Now living with Gramma Jess, they quickly discover that the spectral threats are not so easily left behind.
Steven Freeling
In the intervening years since their paranormal ordeal, Steven has taken to drinking heavily, unable to deal with the events at their old house. He has become slovenly, can’t hold down a job and resents his wife for her ability to cope.
Though he is a determined protector, committed to his family’s safety, he struggles with the psychological scars left by his experiences at Cuesta Verde, often torn between scepticism and the terror of the unexplainable.
Diane Freeling
Diane is the family’s emotional anchor. Her maternal instincts drive her relentless pursuit to safeguard her children from otherworldly dangers. Throughout the story, she struggles with her youngest daughter’s psychic gifts, while her mother, Jess, wants her to encourage them, explaining that Carol Anne is just the latest in Diane’s family to exhibit them.
Carol Anne Freeling
Carol Anne remains at the heart of everything in this sequel, as she continues to draw unwanted attention from spirits. Her connection to them is delved deeper into in Kahn’s adaptation, and she emerges not just as a victim of the sinister Henry Kane but also as an unwilling intermediary between worlds.
Her vulnerability, juxtaposed with moments of out-and-out bravery, adds a deeper layer to her character.
Robbie Freeling
Robbie Freeling grapples with lingering fears from his past experiences yet strives to show courage in confronting the new horrors that have found his family.
Dana Freeling
Dana is only mentioned once in Poltergeist II to explain that when she had the opportunity to leave for college, she got out of Phoenix and away from her family as fast as she could to live a regular life (this is because the actress who played her, Dominique Dunne, had been murdered several years earlier).
Gramma Jess
Gramma Jess is Diane’s mother and grandmother to the Freeling children. She takes her family in when they lose their house in Cuesta Verde and tries to encourage Carol Anne to embrace her gifts — much to the chagrin of her parents.
Later, when Jess passes away, her spirit helps to aid her family on the other side, and while her role in the story may seem small, she serves as a comforting figure, representing familial love and the bonds that transcend death.
Taylor is a Native American shaman who is pivotal in guiding the Freelings through their paranormal ordeal. Sent by Tangina, his wisdom and spiritual insights provide them with the tools necessary for confronting the dark forces threatening their existence. Through Taylor’s teachings, Stephen gathers the strength and tools to rescue his family.
Tangina Barrons
Tangina is a formidable psychic medium who helped the Freelings in the previous film and its novelisation. She bridges two worlds — our reality and that of ghostly planes. Although in Poltergeist II Tangina suffers from a crisis of faith in her abilities after announcing the Freelings’ home clean when it turned out not to be, her character exudes wisdom and determination.
Tangina knows all too well what lies beneath surface appearances, and with the help of Taylor, a Native American shaman, she helps strengthen the Freeling family’s resolve to save themselves.
Reverend Henry Kane is the story’s antagonist, whose sinister presence looms large over the Freelings. He is an evil force that preys on vulnerability and innocence, representing the darker aspects of the supernatural and, you might say, spiritual power.
Throughout the story, his interactions with the Freelings, Carol Anne in particular, illustrate his manipulative nature and the existential threat he poses to them.
Writing Style
As in the previous instalment, Kahn’s writing style is descriptive and compelling, allowing readers to experience the same unsettling atmosphere that permeates the film. Along with his ability to write vivid descriptions, his skilful prose evokes a palpable sense of place, making the environments in which the story takes place both familiar and unsettling.
One of the novelisation’s strengths is its character development. Kahn provides readers with a more nuanced understanding of the Freeling family, intricately exploring their emotional turmoil and the psychological scars left by their previous encounters with the otherworldly forces in Cuesta Verde. For instance, Steve’s struggles with denial and the burden of protecting his family from an unseen enemy are palpable, as is his dislike of Jess encouraging Carol Anne to embrace her psychic abilities.
Given all the book’s strengths, though, I have a bit of criticism regarding its pacing. At times, the action felt like it was stopping and starting. There are some places throughout the story where the paranormal activity is ramping up, keeping you on the edge of your seat, but then suddenly fizzles out, followed by a couple of slower scenes. I found this a little frustrating, but ultimately, it didn’t detract too much away from the experience.
Final Thoughts
James Kahn’s deft storytelling and imaginative expansion of the Poltergeist universe make this novelisation a significant contribution to the horror and novelisation genres. With its rich character development, chilling atmosphere, and profound emotional resonance, it is a haunting read that lingers long after the end. If you enjoy paranormal dramas and supernatural horror, I am sure you’ll enjoy this book.
I am giving Poltergeist II: The Other Side an 8/10.
Have you read this novelisation? Do you think it compares well to the movie?
Thank you, as ever, for stopping by to read my review.
Until next time,
© 2025 GLT
Updates to the database include #folklore and phantoms in Gloucestershire & Berkshire, and some #poltergeist stories from the 1960s…
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#Poltergeist (1982)
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The movie #Poltergeist was released 8 years ago
''They're here.''
#newbook Saw this in a bookshop and ‘oohhh, haven’t heard about this one’, got it home, started flicking through… and realised it’s a collection of columns from a Spectator writer who calls himself The Poltergeist of Gower Street. Should’ve read the inside cover properly.