Private Detective James Rockford's father, Rocky, finally gets a girlfriend and moves out of the double-wide, and the taco truck gets both roja and verde salsa.
Private Detective James Rockford's father, Rocky, finally gets a girlfriend and moves out of the double-wide, and the taco truck gets both roja and verde salsa.
Tonight's show welcome's writer/director Richard Curtis! The man responsible for #LoveActually and #FourWeddingsAndAFuneral is back with #ThatChristmas, playing now on Netflix.
Sarah Shook will also drop in, I'll dig out one of my interviews with the late Sharon Jones, and we'll put the spotlight on the theme for #TheRockfordFiles.
6p ET on 91.9 WFPK
I'm introducing Thing1 (nb, 30) to The Rockford Files, and they're asking about the archaisms like the proportionality of ties/lapels/collars, e-brake turns with RWD cars, etc. It's fun!
But even though I'm a Knowledgeable And Seasoned Old, I'm unfamiliar with the leather girth thing here hanging on the wall that holds what appear to be documents or magazines. ?? #TheRockfordFiles
#remembering #georgemurdock #actor #admiraljphanson #startrek #thenextgenerarion #god #thefinalfrontier #TheTwilightZone #theuntouchables #combat #thewildwildwest #nightgallery #bonanza #hawaiifive0 #themodsquad #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #theinvisibleman #therockfordfiles #tjhooker #fame #MurderSheWrote #TheXFiles #lawandorder #startrek56 @trekcore
#TheRockfordFiles (1974-1980) : 1974 Pontiac Firebird Esprit
It had a blazing gold exterior, tan interior and a 400-cubic inch engine. Jim Rockford was known to do his signature J-turn aka the Rockford Reverse regularly in it.
#FilmMastodon #MovieMotors #CarsOfCelluloid
#remembering #katherinewoodville #actress #natira #startrek #fortheworldishollowandihavetouchedthesky #eightisenough #kungfu #thesaint #theavengers #missionimpossible #therockfordfiles #daysofourlives #Mannix #kolchakthenightstalker #littlehouseontheprairie #thenewadventuresofwonderwoman #startrek56 @trekcore