The producers of #LogansRun loved Heather Menzies in this movie so much, they named her character in tribute to it
#Svengoolie #Sssssss
The producers of #LogansRun loved Heather Menzies in this movie so much, they named her character in tribute to it
#Svengoolie #Sssssss
Con-Tinual Fandom
Video Panel Discussion Podcast
Logan's Run
Logan's Run fans talk about the movie's impact and continuing relevance
- Somos una sociedad limitada. La ciudad de las cúpulas solo puede mantener una población limitada, por eso determinamos una edad adecuada para el final de la vida para acomodar a los recién nacidos.
-¿No hay renovación? ¿No nacemos otra vez?
Piloto T01E01 "La fuga de logan"
#logansrun #CienciaFicción #SeriesDeTV #SeriesTV 70sSeriesTV
@sflorg in today's episode, a pre-war scientist had built a bunker to record news channels through the seemingly inevitably impending war, and did so because he had an experimental time machine. So he hurles himself forward safely past the Fallout, finds his lab, grabs the files, returns hoping to stop the cause of the war.
On news of his return, war-primed nations learn of successful time travel and the scuffle to ban it ignites the war. #logansrun
Lately I've been revisiting this old tv series. It's about two young people smart enough to figure out the game is rigged so they give up luxury modern living and take their chances on The Outside in search of something unknown, simply called Sanctuary.
Not entirely sure why I dug it out
#alterdestiny #logansrun
My life clock isn't red yet, so yeah. :)
Finally read the #LogansRun novel. It’s vastly different from the movie. Better, weirder. I want to see the Cubscouts. I’d like to see a movie/series of this. #BooksToMovies #Books
Tonight's flick is Logan's Run on Tubi. Been a WHILE since I've seen THIS one!
Time for some Carrousel
#LogansRun (1977-1978)
In a futuristic society where reaching the age of 30 is a death sentence, a rebellious law enforcement agent goes on the run in search of Sanctuary.
#TVThemeTunes #TVIntros #TVOpenings #TVMastodon
#OneOfOurAircraftIsMissing (42) #TheWayAhead (44)
#Odette (50) #HotelSahara (51) #TheMagicBox (51)
#QuoVadis (51) #LePlaisir (52) #TheEgyptian (54)
#PeerGynt (54) #LolaMontes (55) #TheSpies (57) #Spartacus (60) #TheSundowners (60) #BillyBudd (62) #Topkapi (64) #HotMillions (68)
#BlackbeardsGhost (68) #Gideon (71) #RobinHood (73) #OneOfOurDinosaursIsMissing (75) #LogansRun (76) #DoubleMurder (77) #DeathOnTheNile (78) #TheThiefOfBaghdad (78) #Ashanti (79)
#EvilUnderTheSun (82) #DeadMansFolly (86) #StiffUpperLips (97) #AnimalFarm (99) #TheBachelor (99) #WinterSolstice (03)
#PeterUstinov (1921-2004)
#KnightsOfFilm #FilmMastodon
Episode 3 of the Hold Up! A Movie Podcast.
Is up now!
In this episode we cover #Dystopia
And review the films #Logansrun #Gattaca & #SouthlandTales starring #TheRock