guys, here is a question -
how old do you think you should be to still be able to do the strength training?
and particularly to do the arm balances or other calisthenics?
what could motivate you to workout?
(i think the fear is the strongest motivation)
what's your thoughts in general about aging and being able to workout?
- do you think you can be too old to workout or is it okay at any age?
- and what kinds of workouts at what age is ok?
- what do you think about martial arts and how good or bad they are to get fit? (i think some kinds do not work for this goal but may make you feel better mentally. also for some kinds you need to train strength and stretch additionally to be better in it)
(and.. how old do you think I am?)
join the abs party, btw !
six pack beautifies people a lot better than brilliants!! 

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