“More than a human can bear”: Israel's systematic use of sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence since October 2023
[Of course, this has been going on for much longer than a year and half.]
“More than a human can bear”: Israel's systematic use of sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence since October 2023
[Of course, this has been going on for much longer than a year and half.]
The attack on US womens reproductive rights continues with disgusting moves by Trump https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/trump-quietly-made-3-chilling-moves-against-reproductive-freedom/ #womensrights #uspolitics #fucktrump #reproductiverights
Pronatalists are ascendant on the right. Can they agree on how to make Americans have more babies? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/11/what-is-pronatalism-right-wing-republican #Trumpadministration #Reproductiverights #Reproduction #DonaldTrump #Republicans #USpolitics #ElonMusk #Children #Abortion #JDVance #USnews #Women
Note: I interpreted this quote as referring to the cismen who seem to think that they can police people with uteruses. This isn't to marginalize transmen or genderfluid folx who become pregnant.
Today, on Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, we honor Dr. David Gunn, murdered in 1993 by a white supremacist anti-abortion extremist. His courage lives on in every provider who shows up with compassion, resilience, & unwavering commitment—despite relentless opposition.
-Credit: Abortion Care Network
#prochoice #abortionproviderappreciationday #drgunn #abortioncareishealthcare #abortionondemand #KeepOurClinics
#reproductiverights #wewontgoback
Another CCP #propaganda shill. Oh yeah, the one child policy really promoted women’s #ReproductiveRights.
https://www.europesays.com/1891841/ Trump has dropped a high-profile abortion case in Idaho. Here’s what that means #abortion #DonaldTrump #EmergencyCare #GeneralNews #health #IDStateWire #Idaho #IdahoStateGovernment #JoeBiden #Politics #PregnancyAndChildbirth #ReproductiveRights #TexasStateGovernment #trump #TXStateWire #U.S.DepartmentOfJustice #U.S.News #WashingtonNews #Women'sHealth
“For 2 years, I’ve seen firsthand how our state’s #AbortionBan has harmed my patients, with countless lives & futures changed because politicians thought their views of the right #healthcare was more important than #pregnant people & their #medical providers,” Dr. Eric M Reuss, one of the healthcare providers who brought the lawsuit over #Arizona’s 15-week ban, said in a statement.
#Arizona court permanently blocks 15-week #AbortionBan
The ruling marks a victory for #AbortionRights months after a ballot measure added protections to the state #constitution
A court permanently blocked AZ’s 15-week #abortion ban from taking effect on Wed, months after AZ residents voted to pass a ballot measure adding abortion rights into the state constitution.
#law #ReproductiveRights #MaleSupremacy #SCOTUS #Dobbs #Republicans #evangelism
#Idaho #doctors, meanwhile, say it remains unclear which #abortions are legal, forcing them to airlift #pregnant women of state if a termination might be part of the standard of care. It’s often unclear in fast-moving emergencies whether pregnancy complications could ultimately prove fatal, doctors said in court documents.
A judge has blocked ID from any #abortion ban enforcement that would change #emergency treatment at the state’s largest #hospital system for now.
The #Biden admin had given similar guidance to #hospitals nationwide in the wake of #SCOTUS’ 2022 decision overturning the right to #abortion. It’s being challenged in other conservative states.
In #Idaho, the state argued that its #law does allow life-saving abortions & the Biden admin wrongly sought to expand the exceptions. The Republican controlled state agrees w/the dismissal, so it does not need judicial approval, #Trump #DOJ attys wrote in court documents.
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Wyoming governor vetoes ultrasound requirement for medication abortions https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/04/wyoming-governor-medication-abortion-ultrasound-veto #Reproductiverights #Republicans #Abortion #RoevWade #Wyoming #USnews
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So, on the opposite end, this #Michigan lawmaker chose #Sterilization, and is receiving #DeathThreats?!! This is truly insanity! Beyond #idiocracy!
Death threats follow Michigan Democratic lawmaker’s decision to have herself sterilized
Story by Andrew Roth, 2/11/2025
"Michigan state Rep. #LauriePohutsky (D-Livonia) said she’s received death threats after revealing during a rally last week that she underwent voluntary sterilization because she was concerned about the future of reproductive health care during President Donald Trump’s second term in office.
"Pohutsky’s comments during a #50501Movement rally in Lansing last week quickly spread across the internet, including among right wing media circles. The rally was part of a national movement that aimed to hold 50 protests in 50 states on one day.
"'I refuse to let my body be treated as currency by an administration that only sees value in my ability to procreate,' Pohutsky said during the rally, emphasizing that 'a sitting government official opted for voluntary sterilization because she was uncertain she would be able to access #contraception in the future.'
"Pohutsky’s social media profiles were quickly bombarded with hostile comments.
"In one voicemail left with her office, a caller says that “godless people” are going to be “eliminated” and warns Pohutsky that she is “on notice.”
"Some of the threats have been referred to law enforcement to investigate, Pohutsky said.
"Pohutsky said that U.S. Rep. #RashidaTlaib (D-Detroit) reached out to her after the speech gained traction online, noting that Tlaib is no stranger to viral moments or receiving threats.
"The speech also garnered the attention of conservatives on a national level, including Ben Shapiro, who said of Pohutsky, “So many broken people.”
"The fourth-term House member responded to Shapiro, saying “I think the broken people are the ones who are personally aggrieved by my personal health care decision.”
"Pohutsky said she and her husband decided last year that they were done having children and began exploring options for more permanent forms of birth control, citing her concern after Trump won the election about being able to continue to access the contraception she had been using."
#USPol #reproductiverights #Fascism #BodilyAutomony #ReproductiveAutonomy #Sterilization
Life 'cut short': #Peru's victims of #ForcedSterilization seek amends
Story by Agence France-Presse, 2/12/2025
LIMA — "Florentina Loayza was 19 and mother to an infant when she was sterilized by agents of the #PeruvianGovernment, against her will.
"Decades later, the 46-year-old #IndigenousWoman is still fighting for an apology and #reparations along with thousands of others robbed of their fertility in a 1990s state campaign condemned by the United Nations.
'My life was cut short,' Loayza told Agence France-Presse, recounting how her partner abandoned her over the procedure, which also left her with lasting pain.
"'On the outside, we look fine, but inside we are withering,' she said of the estimated 270,000 women who, like her, were coerced, pressured or deceived into surgery to have their fallopian tubes tied.
"Eighteen women died, according to official data, during the campaign that marked the final years of then-President #AlbertoFujimori's 1990-2000 rule.
"His government said it had offered sterilization as part of a family planning project, but the UN women's rights committee said in a report last October the state had carried out a 'systematic and generalized attack against rural and #Indigenous women.'
"It said the procedures were carried out without #InformedConsent from victims who were often poorly educated and did not understand Spanish, the language of officialdom in Peru.
"'It's not something that was done in the cities... but in a specific (rural) area as a way of fighting poverty so that the poorest women didn't reproduce,' Leticia Bonifaz, who was a member of the UN committee, told AFP.
"She said it was the biggest known case of forced sterilization in #LatinAmerica."
Read more:
#PeruPol #reproductiverights #Fascism #BodilyAutomony #ReproductiveAutonomy #Sterilization #Genocide
#ForcedSterilization is a worldwide problem!
As #Japan starts compensation payments, #ForcedSterilisation continues around the world
#NonConsensual #sterilisation of those considered genetically inferior persists in some parts of the world today
by Ewan Bolton, 18 February 2025
"Just last week, in the Miyagi prefecture of Japan, the local governor met victims of an official eugenics policy to apologise for the suffering they underwent.
"'On behalf of the prefecture, I would like to offer my heartfelt apologies for the immense suffering caused to the 900 (victims),' said Murai Yoshihiro while lowering his head.
"For many, the words 'forced sterilisation' bring to mind #NaziGermany and the devastating #eugenic policies pursued by #fascist regimes in the 1930s and 1940s. But the non-consensual sterilisation of those considered genetically inferior continued through the 20th century and persists in some parts of the world today.
"In January, victims of Japan’s forced sterilisation programme were finally able to apply for compensation for the first time. Between 1948 and 1996, at least 16,500 people were forcibly sterilised in Japan under the country’s #EugenicProtectionLaw. Nearly 60,000 more underwent #abortions without, or with only dubious consent. Most were mentally handicapped people or those with hereditary diseases.
"As Japan finally addresses this legacy, victims of forced sterilisation in #Peru are still fighting for compensation after 370,000 people were sterilised in what the UN has described as a potential crime against humanity. And in the #UnitedStates, #India, #China and parts of #Europe, non-consensual sterilisations continue to this day.
"As with the Nazis, almost all cases can be traced back to the discredited #PseudoScience of eugenics which was developed in the #UK at around the turn of the last century and had many supporters, including #WinstonChurchill.
"Japan’s Eugenic Protection Law was introduced in the wake of World War II. It granted medical institutions the right to administer sterilisations and abortions without the consent of patients. Of the 25,000 people sterilised under the programme, according to government figures only 8,000 gave consent. The legitimacy of the consent in these cases is disputed.
"A large number of the victims were children, some as young as nine years old. In Miyagi prefecture, in the northwest of the main island, more than half of the 859 sterilised between 1963 and 1981 were under the age of 18.
"At a press conference last month in Hyogo prefecture, a #DeafWoman, now in her 80s, described the emotional pain of being given an abortion without her consent. 'I was taken to the hospital, and I thought I would be going to the general medicine department. I was very surprised because I was taken to the gynaecology department … I am unable to forget what happened at that time'.
"In her prefecture alone, there are '14 or 15 other [#DeafPeople] who suffered harm' that are known about, 'but there are undoubtedly more', said Yoshimichi Hongo, chairman of the Hyogo Prefecture Association for the Deaf."
Read more:
#WorldPol #reproductiverights #Fascism #BodilyAutomony #DisabledPeople #ReproductiveAutonomy #Sterilization #Genocide
Not just in the #UnitedStates...
Class-action authorized for #ForcedSterilization of multiple #Atikamekw women in #Quebec
February 24, 2025
"The Quebec Court of Appeal is authorizing a class-action for forced sterilization of multiple Atikamekw women in #JolietteQuebec. Previously, the class-action was just against three physicians, but now includes a regional health authority."
#CanadaPol #reproductiverights #Fascism #BodilyAutomony #ReproductiveAutonomy #NativeAmericanWomen #Sterilization #Genocide